To Garner Wisdom

"Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy. The amount of work is the same."~~~Francesca Reigler

Thursday, August 12

Wayne 1960's

  "If it falls your lot to be a street sweeper, sweep streets like Michelangelo painted pictures, like Shakespeare wrote poetry, like Beethoven composed music..." - Martin Luther King Jr.
The job that Joe landed was the beginning of a life that his family was quick to share with everyone. He was close to thirty and had lost a great deal of his productive years spent mending the arm he broke in a car accident. The scar and pain would always be a reminder. The job at the steel mill meant more money than he had ever been used to.
He had now a purpose to carry on. He was still the southerner in a big city. He would always have the desire to find out what the city had to offer. With his good looks finding beautiful women was not a problem. He quickly became popular among the women that he came in contact with. He would have many opportunities to have what most men wanted. Humble and kind as he was it was easy for him to be fooled and taken advantage of by women looking for the securities that they all wanted.
Beautiful, fun and worldly divorced women were what he found the most exciting. She was the daughter of a Ford Motor employee. Her father had moved the family her from Nallen, West Virginia. This was one of many things he had in common with his newly found hook-up. She had been introduced to him by mutual friends and quickly found that the attraction was something both of them longed for. She had been married to a foreigner that beat her regularly. He came from a culture that accepted the power of man over women. It was his temper along with his upbringing that made her the target of his punches. Her front tooth was false as a result of his temper.

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Shade Tree Mechanics

Shade Tree Mechanics
Working on a car can be dangerous. The car can fall if it is jacked up and fall. With daddy working on anything seemed as if fire was the main danger. Grandmother's house had not been built back long after their fire. We were living in a new brick house, which I thought was a mansion. I drive by there now and am amazed at how small it seems. That night he had pulled the navy blue Dodge Dart he was driving at the time beside the carport. I always got really worried when he tried to do something drunk. He had to, just had to get the car fixed, to go visit Parker. Parker was the local bootlegger. One of the local bootleggers. Lauderdale County was dry. Traveling to Pulaski was really not an option, considering the not so reliable car Daddy had. I could see out the kitchen door as he stood under the hood messing with the breather on the top of the engine. He took it off and was pouring gas into the carburetor. The next thing I knew flames were coming from under the hood of the car. Forget there being an easy way to put the fire out. There was not a water hose hooked up. It was before fire extinguishers were standard in homes. Dirt was the answer at that moment. I saw the fire and him getting sand from the pile that was left in front of the house from the building back of Grandmothers house. The fire was finally put out, but the car was in need of more repairs than before he started.

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