Of all the people I have known well there is not a single person that I can honestly say has not done something immoral at one time or another. Looking back the people I loved the most; I knew the most about. Be it just saying something mean to or about someone; there really is not a perfect person. Lets not talk about perfect then. How about just a good person. To me a good person, really deep in side has that heart that at the time you need them the most will give back to you. It may not be things; It may not be money. Being kind to you when you need it is probably the best thing anyone could give you. Give yourself to someone you have abused or mistreated and forgiveness may come your way.
Mama never changed the sheets on the bed when I wet it. That is why if I think of Detroit or hear it I think of being cold. I moved from one spot to another each night trying to find the dryest spot. It was still cold from the spot that got me wet to begin with. I should have just crawled in the floor. I don't think there was water in the floor of the bedroom. There was always water in the bathroom floor. I say this remembering at this moment the worst of times. There was a time in that house on Morley, before Daddy lost his job that everything was better. Again was she lazy? Really what is so bad about being lazy? Not being lazy I think comes with living. When I was young I had the energy it took to get out of doing things. As we live and learn it is easier to just do something than to try to work your way out of it.
Many years later Mama did anything I asked her to do and I asked her to do alot. She was here because she had no place else to go. She gave back to me and I wonder if the reason she did everything I asked her was to make up for some of that stuff she didn't do.
I really am cheap & frugal*
*she says as she hides her $82.34 Starbucks receipt (those cups!).
Seriously, I am. My husband John Pitts would point to our dear friends the
UPS & FedEx ...
5 years ago
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